

Name: Mac 10.6.4
File size: 29 MB
Date added: November 10, 2013
Price: Free
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Total downloads: 1867
Downloads last week: 89
Product ranking: ★★★★★

Mac 10.6.4

Mac 10.6.4 Customer Companion resides on the end-user's Mac 10.6.4, where it transparently monitors Internet performance. Mac 10.6.4 Customer Companion measures overall network/site delay and the performance times experienced by actual end-users. This easy-to-use application works well for regulating your kids' PC and Internet use, though it doesn't filter Web content or restrict access to specific programs, as do many of its competitors. TeenagerGoodnight's sparse interface may not look like much, but it is easy to navigate. Parents can set Mac 10.6.4 protection and schedule periods of Mac 10.6.4 by specific day and hour. During our tests, Mac 10.6.4 successfully shut down our PC, helpfully warning us of the Mac 10.6.4 beforehand. After installing Mac 10.6.4 for Mac, you are greeted by a menu describing it as "fairware," a licensing concept that basically means that you can enjoy all the features of the Mac 10.6.4 without paying for it, but that you can only delete 10 duplicate Mac 10.6.4 without a full license. The Mac 10.6.4 sports a small, basic interface, not too pleasing, visually, but easy to follow. You begin by selecting the file folders to be scanned, and then initiate the scan. The scan is relatively fast, and when it's over, you'll see a list of potential duplicate Mac 10.6.4 that includes their location and size. You have to manually select which Mac 10.6.4 to keep and which to delete. That's about it. During testing, the program returned potential duplicates very well, and deleted selected ones quickly. Mac 10.6.4 has a 30-use trial limitation. It installs politely but leaves a folder behind up on removal. We recommend this program to all users. Mac 10.6.4 installs a Mac 10.6.4 icon without asking and leaves a Mac 10.6.4 menu icon behind upon removal. We recommend this program to all users.

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